Showcase Homes of Malta would like to welcome Debbie Harrington to our sales staff. She joins us with 15 years of experience working within the manufactured and modular home industry, specializing in Bill Lake Modular Homes. Debbie’s Insite in design, construction processes and finance helped earn her the title of Bill Lake’s #1 retail representative for 14 years in a row. We are thrilled to have her on board and offering her services to our customers. Stop by our Sales Office at 2712 Rt. 9 in Malta to put Debbie or a member of our Sales Team to work for you.


Who is Rebuilding Together Saratoga County?

Rebuilding Together Saratoga County is a volunteer organization that works on meeting the housing needs of the local families. It is one of 142 affiliates of the national Rebuilding Together organizations, all helping individual homeowners in need within in their communities. Rebuilding Together Saratoga has renovated and revived 973 homes and 85 nonprofit organizations since  2003.

They specialize in providing much needed home repair and accessibility modification services for low income families and homeowners within the Saratoga County. The focus is helping homeowners that are the most vulnerable; such as active and retired members of the Armed Services, seniors, individuals living with a disability, and families with children. If you’re interested in applying, you can see if you’re eligible here.

What Do WE Do?

While Rebuilding Together Saratoga County supplies the funding through grants, Showcase Homes of Malta coordinates everything else, the towns, the contractors, ordering their homes, setting up the homes, and help design the interior and exterior of the homes. We, as a dealership, help our clients from picking out the house and making color selections, all the way to the issuing of the certificate of occupancy. In between, we help with new wells, septic, electric, grading and seeding their property, installing new driveways and concrete slabs

Showcase Homes of Malta works with Rebuilding Together Saratoga County to provide quality, ENERGY STAR homes that include potable water and functional septic systems, for those who are in need within our community.

Last year, we helped Rebuild Together Saratoga County to meet the housing needs of 9 families.

Our Clients:

Jim M.

Before receiving a new home from both Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, Jim had lived in a double-wide. Unfortunately, the pump house had caught on fire, and his life was put in danger. He couldn’t even call the emergency services, and the fire quickly spread. After this horrifying experience, he contacted Rebuilding Together Saratoga County. He lived in a camper for 10 months before receiving his new home. Now, in his new home, he has a warm, safe place to live, which is affordable and cost effective.. Jim now says his new home provides him relief.

 “I will never forget you…Thank you. You really don’t know how you change simple lives”

– Jim H.

Susan H.

Susan had lived in a old home. The roof leaked, and her home was structurally unsound. Susan applied to Rebuilding Together Saratoga County. They offered a home which Showcase Homes of Malta delivered and set up. After moving into her brand new home, she mentioned that she feels safe and secure in her new home.

Ida H.

Ida’s Old Home

Ida’s previous mobile home was almost 50 years old, and in very bad condition. Once her husband passed away, she could not keep up with the repairs. It was hard for her, Ida loves her new home.

Dave and Elizabeth M.

Elizabeth and David had awoken on the night of March 27th, 2017, to a frightening sight. Their home was engulfed by flames and smoke. Fortunately, Elizabeth, David, and her three grandchildren escaped unharmed. Unfortunately, her family had to live in a camper for the next nine months.Elizabeth heard about Rebuilding Together. She applied to see if her family qualified for assistance. Both Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Showcase Homes of Malta, were able to provide an affordable, good quality home for her family.

Lucas and Jenna A.

Lucas, Jenna, and their two daughter received their new manufactured home through Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Showcase Homes of Malta. It is the fourth manufactured home replacement project that Rebuilding Together took on within Saratoga County since the program’s launch. Lucas and Jenna’s family is benefited by Energy Star appliances, secure home structure, and enough for their family.

Dan, Dakota, and Henny R.

Through Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Showcase Homes of Malta, Dan quickly turned his life around.Their previous home had poor installation, and even the back wall wasn’t adequate enough for a safe living space. We stepped in to help Dan turn things around at home, and build him a better, safer home for him and his pets. His new home is securely built. It is also warm enough to keep him and his pets comfortable during those winter nights. All his appliances are brand new, and have functional furniture and appliances within his new home.

Family security and safety will always be something that families worry about. With the help of Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, and Showcase Homes of Malta, we can ensure a safe and secure housing alternative for families in need. Together, we can improve the lives of our neighbors.