How to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays


The holiday season is almost upon us! Prepping for it can get stressful, no doubt, but with proper planning and organizing, you can enjoy the holidays with friends and family without worries!


Prepare early. Whether it’d be preparing for holidays, family or friends joining for a get together, the most important step is to start preparing early! Things will always take much longer when you procrastinate, so when you start preparations early, you won’t be so stressed out last minute!


Clear the clutter. Before you decide to buy more decorations or bring them back down from the attic, it’s important to declutter. Organize your belongings by dividing them by category by room and use. Separate your belongings in what to keep, throw away, donate, or sell.



Jazz up the main spaces in your home. Put a lot of your focus on the main areas of your living space, especially in the areas that your guests will spend time in or will be seeing; such as the entryway, living room, kitchen, and bathrooms.


Do the big projects first. Have you been putting off some of the chores you need to do in the home, such as window washing or HVAC maintenance? Perhaps you should call professionals or experts to prep your home for the fall and winter. Make the appointments or head to the closest home improvement store and get started.


Seasonal scents. While you are organizing and cleaning your home, as well as any maintenance that needs to be done; perhaps you should start putting out a few scented candles this time of the year.