What You Need to Know About an Eco-Friendly Modular Home
Environmentally friendly modular homes offer homeowners options to reduce their expenses while preserving the environment. They are designed with features that has low negative effects on the environment, and combat carbon dioxide emissions and also reduce energy consumption.
When climate appropriate insulation is installed within the walls, attics, or floors, it will result in even temperatures and reduced energy consumption! While in the manufacturing state, opt for an insulating material that will friendlier to the environment. Perhaps materials such as wool or cotton. These materials are easily recycled, and they will perform just as well as fiber glass! Cellulose is an option for those who live in a colder area; it is not harmful to the environment and it carries more heat resistance properties.
Lighting and Appliances
Products much like lights and appliances that carry the ENERGY STAR label provide a much greener feature with energy savings! The sight of a well-illuminated home at night is amazing but will increase your energy bills! You can minimize this cost by using energy saving bulbs within your home. Talk to us about how to incorporate light sensors in the building, which could automatically switch off lighting in an empty room.
An energy-efficient window is an important feature of an eco-friendly home! They can provide protective coatings and frame that helps to keep in heat during the colder months and keep heat out during the warmer months. Perhaps look into solar windows, which are designed to collect and direct natural light, and will convert it to a useable energy around the home.